More of Jura's Art
Children Of God: Into The Light
Children of God: Convergence
Children Of God: Coming Home IX
Just in Time
Children Of God: Evolution V
Children Of God: Poem II
Children Of God: Into The Light
Children of God: Convergence
Children Of God: Coming Home IX
Just in Time
Children Of God: Evolution V
Children Of God: Poem II
My interest in papermaking began as a printmaker, experimenting with Japanese handmade papers to create a textural background for etchings, monotypes, and linocuts. The idea of creating my own papers with some of the imagery laid directly into the paper was both intriguing, and presented interesting challenges. The result has been many years of experimentation and learning to control the characteristics of the paper -- thickness, crispness, color, texture, patterns, dimensionality.
I have spent almost 30 years developing techniques to not only create imagery in paper, but to explore and define a new set of relationships between prints and paper -- not limited to printing on paper, but also embedding prints into paper, both fully and partially; creating unique papers specifically for certain prints to echo and complement the theme of the print; and creating prints of handmade papers on other handmade papers. My series "Reflections of Time" combines monotypes, monoprints and handmade paper and numbers over 90 works.
My approach to papermaking is painterly, using the pulp to create paintings, building up layers of pulp in landscapes, geometric patterns, and abstract patterns created in pulp and/or embossed with unusual textures. I like to combine metals and copper enamels with the paper for contrasting surface relationships. My "Children of God" series uses copper, copper enamels, and natural materials such as stone for part of the imagery against a matte paper pulp painted background, and numbers over 100 works.
The character of the paper is determined by the fibers used -- linen, cotton, hemp, banana leaf fiber (Manila hemp), silk, and plant materials -- and in the way it is prepared in the Hollander beater. One can combine, alter, and manipulate pulps at any stage of the process, using a variety of techniques. This provides endless possibility for creativity. And it can be both a 2-dimensional and a 3-dimensional medium, thus offering even more potential for expression. Paper is an exciting, wonderfully variable medium.
Handmade paper also forms the background for my original prints and it is the base for my original poetry which accompanies some of my series, thus enabling me to create works in their entirety -- from paper to image. My handmade paper books and cards also provide a tactile experience of paper.
Printmaker, papermaker, owner of Jura Silverman Studio and Gallery, Spring Green, WI, showing the Wisconsin Artists Showcase; founded 1984.
Founding and active member, Wisconsin Center for Paper Arts, Inc., a nonprofit cultural center for hand papermaking, Madison,WI. Duties included administrative, publicity, fundraising, curriculum development, grant writing, newsletter, exhibition development and curating.
Instructor of papermaking, Wisconsin Center of Paper Arts, Inc. Courses taught include Basic Papermaking, Intermediate Papermaking, Advanced Papermaking for Artists and Teachers, Holiday Workshops, Open Studio Workshops, Hollander Beater Workshops, and private tutorials and demos.
Executed commission for The SPRINGS Golf Resort, Spring Green, WI for 82 handmade paper and copper enamel mixed media works for each of 80 suites, and 2 for the lobby.
Executed commission from Potter, Lawson, Pawlowski Architects - 7 mixed media handmade paper/monotype print works for American Exchange Bank, Madison, WI.
Executed commission for 4 ft x 6 ft HMP work for photo montage by photographer Larry Oliverson for Oscar Mayer/Kraft Foods, Madison, WI.
Curated exhibition PERSONAL ICONS IN PAPER, 1992; Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters, Madison, WI.
Cofounder Fall Art Tour, SW Wisconsin, 1993; Cofounder original Open Studio Tour, Spring Green, WI, 1990.
Layout, graphic design, editing SPRING GREEN AREA TRAVELER, publication of Spring Green Area Visitors Council, 1989 -1991; 1995-2001.
Member Advisory Board, American Players Theater, 1985 - 1999; Newsletter publication; Education Committee.
Produced fundraising exhibition CHRISTMAS IN WISCONSIN for American Players Theatre, 1984 -1989, Spring Green, WI.